
Policy Statement

  • This policy applies to all student awards that are awarded, managed or maintained by MACHS.
  • To enhance the students participation, especially in student council, clubs and the extracurricular activities.


The MACHS student rights:

  • The objective of this policy is to establish the college’s commitment to, and basis for the establishment and awarding of student awards


The procedure of student awards:

  • Student awards are bestowed on the basis of published criteria, for the purposes of:

Recognizing and encouraging high academic achievement.

Supporting high-achieving of students.

  • For each student award, the student Award committee and the student council shall:

Approve eligibility and selection criteria.

Establish any conditions recipients must meet to remain eligible to continue receipt of the student award.

Quality assurance

  • The student council may request reports from student awards’ committee to:

Monitor the distribution of student awards.

Ensure selection is in accordance with the stated selection and eligibility criteria and/or.

To oversee equity and transparency of allocation.

Approval of student awards

  • Student award proposals are submitted to the relevant student award selection committee for consideration.
  • Any proposed changes to a student award, must be resubmitted to the relevant student award selection committee for consideration and recommendation.

Application for student awards

  • The Student Council body:

Determines how applicants for each student award will be identified.

Advertises availability of student awards including application requirements.

Decides who will receive student awards.

Determines by when successful applicants must accept their student award.

Notifies successful applicants in writing, including instructions for accepting the student award, and other arrangements.

Complaints and appeal

  • A student who is dissatisfied with a decision made under this policy may lodge a request for review of the decision, in accordance with the Student Complaints and Grievances Policy.

Role & Responsibilities

#Role / Decision / ActionResponsibility
1Approve new awards.Student Award committee
2Approve eligibility and selection criteria.Student council
3Establish any conditions recipients must meet to remain eligible to continue receipt of student award
3Consider proposals for new or amended award and make a recommendation to College CouncilConcerns Committees

Available Awards

Deans Honor List

  • The Dean’s Honor List, published at the end of the fall and spring semesters, honors students for high scholastic achievement.
  • Students who attain a grade point average of 4.50 or better in no fewer than 15 hours of graded college level work, and who have completed all work for which they are registered by the end of the semester will be on the Dean’s List for that semester.

Number of awards

Dean’s awards for creative achievement, one award may be presented yearly, depending on eligibility, to a student in each of offered programs.


  • Undergraduate students from all classes who have demonstrated creativity in their approach to academic work as applied to projects, problem solving, laboratory and work shop, etc. are eligible without restriction

Nomination and Selection Procedure

  • Faculty members shall submit to the HO’D concerned, as soon as possible, the names of candidates for the award with justification and supporting material. Selection of the candidate for each program shall be made by the Students reward committee; the kind of reward will be decided by the committee itself
  • Applications should demonstrate how the nominee meets the following criteria:

Recognition as a high achiever emerging in their sector. Considerations that inform this criterion are:

  • Positive media coverage as an emerging high achieve.
  • Rapid increase in public awareness of talent.
  • Nominated or winner of an award for talent.

Leadership in originality and/or innovation.Considerations that inform this criterion are:

  • Demonstrated creative and innovative ideas and successful execution of those ideas
  • Creative application of new methodologies and/or technologies

Positive impact in raising the global profile of MACHS.


Mr./Mrs.MACHS award. The conditions of candidacy shall be:

  • GPA: up to 4.
  • No warning letters during 3 academic years.
  • Initiative in the campus life.
  • Volunteering in more than 5 activities/year.
  • Excellent attitude.

Club Award

Best club award. The conditions of candidacy shall be:

  • Effective club.
  • Meet regularly.
  • High performance.
  • Innovative.

Student Council Award

A student council award for best performance. The conditions of candidacy shall be:

  • More than ¾ meetings attendance.
  • Participation in the activities planning.
  • Finding sponsorships for the extracurricular activities.
  • Enhance the students in a positive ways, to be effective participant in the campus life.

Further Award

The further award mentioned by the deanship of MACHS. Types of the award shall be:

  • Appreciation letters/Certificates.
  • Shields
  • Discount from the cafeteria & the copy center.
  • Gift Items.
  • Financial awards.