Community Service


Rational Policy

Community service encompasses the wide range of cultural, economic, environmental, scientific, social and other activities and programs that involve interaction with individuals, groups and organizations external to MACHS and contributes to the progress and development of the community.

Community Service

The community service consider:

  • Creates a sense of responsibility toward ones community.
  • Encourage a culture of volunteerism, and helps the participants to become more involved in their communities.
  • Helps to enhance competence in the student, leading to more self-confidence academic pursuits.

Policy Statement

MACHS shall be:

  • Recognized in community service as a key area of activity. It is committed to encouraging diverse community service activities throughout the organization and ensuring that appropriate recognition of these is made. For example, community service undertaken by individual members of staff will normally be considered through the performance management scheme.
  • Recognized in its core activities of advancing and applying knowledge (through pure and applied research, and its use in a wide range of creative, and professional contexts).
  • Responsible for planning and implementation of community service activities lies with the Dean, and the concerns heads of academic department.

Community services activities shall be:

  • Consistent with mission & vision of MACHS.
  • Consistent with the education, research and development functions of the College.

Procedures & Tasks

The members in community service field should:

  • Collaborate with members of the community, and other stakeholders to identify community& educational needs.
  • Establish methods to evaluate programs offered.
  • Develop and manage budgets for programs and organizations.
  • Allocate budget for implementation of activities.
  • Establish & search for proposals means.
  • Work with a particular demographic, such as children, people who are homeless, older adults... Other such organizations focus on helping people with particular challenges, such as mental health needs, the presence of chronic hunger, and long-term unemployment.
  • Represent the College in the community.
  • Manage budgets efficiently.
  • Prepare yearly plan no less than 10 activities.