- The college has created a Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (CSRR) that seeks to protect the safety, rights, and privileges afforded to students and other members of the community. Students are expected to be model citizens and their actions and behavior should reflect the core values of MACHS.
- CSRR supports a safe and inclusive environment that fosters the intellectual, personal, social, ethical development of all students. In partnership with the college departments and programs, we help students see themselves as responsible members in a diverse community.
- CSRR provides students with the opportunity to consider the ways in which their conduct may define, and impact their college experience-personally and in relationship with others.
- The procedures of CSRR have been developed with the goal that all students involved in any disciplinary matter are treated with fairness and in a consistent manner with other students.
Student Rights
The MACHS student rights:
- Privacy–MACHS afford students privacy rights regarding their educational records.
- High Quality Resources- Students have access to high quality resources which support intellectual and social development.
- Counseling- Students have access to support in managing personal adjustments, understanding self and others, career planning and personal decision making.
- Grievance Process- Students have the right to know the procedure of the grievance process, and how their concerns/complaints are transferred to the administration.
- Counseling- Students have access to support in managing personal adjustments, understanding self and others, career planning and personal decision making.
- Learning beyond Formal Instruction- Students has access to variety activities beyond the classroom, which support intellectual and personal development.
- Education-Students have access to excellent faculty, academic technology, classrooms, libraries, and other resources necessary for the learning process.
- Participation in Community Affairs/extracurricular activities- Students have opportunities to interact with people both within and beyond the college community.
- Prompt Responses from Administration- Students have the right to expect prompt and courteous responses from the college’s academic and administrative departments.
- Academic and Administrative Policies-Students can expect academic and administrative policies that support intellectual inquiry, learning, and growth.
Academic Rights
A student properly enrolled in the college will have the following rights in academic affairs, services, and information:
- A convenient environment to procure qualified learning skills under MACHS slogan: “the future starts here”.
- Confidentiality of data, grades or any related issues.
- Be evaluated on academic performance (written quizzes, assignments, exams…based on written standards.
- Check the results of exams after the correction, and revise his/her exam paper if needed based on MACHS rules.
- Enquire, discuss, and express themselves in the classroom and in student/instructor conferences.
- Be Informed and clarified on the causes of any probation, or warning.
- Be Informed and clarified on the causes of the final exam forbiddance based on the article 9 in the Council of Higher Education.
- Be presented with exams questions from the curriculum of the course, and consider a convenient grades distribution for the exams answers based on the articles (22, 23, and 24) in the Council of Higher Education.
- Be examined for maximum 2 courses in a day based on the article 36 in the council of higher education.
- Earn respect and the ethical conduct from all MACHS staff.
- Merit an academic and social advisor, based on the rules of the academic advising and counseling services in MACHS (AACSM).
- Follow scheduled access and usage of the institutional services, facilities and programs (SIS).
- Receive accurate information regarding course offerings, programs, majors, transfer policy, and institutional requirements and expectations.
- Receive accurate information regarding changes in course programs or institutional requirements and reasonable accommodation of those already enrolled in a program or classes.
- Receive academic credit and/or academic degrees when all specified requirements and coursework have been satisfied.
- Receive Access the rights and responsibilities in different aspects of college life via a handbook or electronically.
- Exercise the right to complain and appeal to the academic adviser, and the Grievance Committee regarding grade changes, withdrawals and confidentiality of some matters.
- Add & drop any course based on the registration policies, based on the article 13 and article 14 in the Council of Higher Education.
- Communicate easily with the faculty staff by the official e-mail address.
- Receive the graduation certificate, when the graduation requirements are met based on the rules and regulations of MACHS.
General Responsibilities
A student assumes the responsibility to act in an appropriate manner, through the guidance of the following:
- Respect the right of every person to be free from fear, threats, intimidation, harassment, hazarding and/or physical harm caused by the activities of groups or individuals.
- Avoid the obstruction, disruption or interference with the teaching process, and commit to the disciplinary proceedings.
- Respect the copyrights of materials including, but not limited to, printed and audio materials, video, film, and/or computer software vents.
- Avoid fund raising activities on behalf of the institution without an approval from the higher administration.
Academic Responsibilities
A student assumes the responsibility to act in an appropriate manner, through the guidance of the following:
- Take an active role in the learning process by meeting course requirements as specified in the written syllabi.
- Display appropriate conduct in classroom situations that will enhance the learning environment.
- Maintain academic ethics and honesty in all its forms, including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism as defined hereafter cheating is the act of using or attempting to use or providing others with unauthorized information, materials or study aids for academic work. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, passing examination answers to or taking examinations for someone else, or preparing or copying other’s academic work.
- Read, understand and comply to the rules and regulations of MACHS.
- Attend the lectures, and avoid absenteeism as much as possible.
- Respect all staff members of MACHS (Faculty, administrative staff, security staff, receptionists, housekeepers).
- Accept the disciplinary penalty or sanction if he/she breaks the regulations of MACHS.
- Be objective in the performance evaluation of her/his instructors.
- Recognize honesty and integrity as being necessary to the academic functioning of the college.
- Avoid plagiarism (using ideas or information without acknowledging the source.
Non-Academic Responsibilities
In non-academic responsibilities, each student is expected to:
- Using MACHS Facilities without Damaging or destroying the properties.
- Avoid Disorderly Assembly like Riot.
- Respect and apply all MACHS policies (the policy of the Library, the infirmary, student affairs, the housing).
- Update his/ her personal information (phone numbers, e-mail) on a semester basis.
- Wear the approved college uniform and lab coat during labs, hospital visits and clinical.
- Attend and participate in the extracurricular activities and workshops.
- Avoid negative attitudes and behaviors (like smoking, which is prohibited in the college campus, misusing MACHS facilities, posting photos that are disrespectful to the college).
- Avoid activating a false fire or emergency alarms.
Disciplinary Sanctions
The college has the right to impose the disciplinary sanctions to the students through:
- Verbal warning.
- Dismissal from class with or without the company of a security guard.
- Suspended from attending classes.
- Deprivation of the extracurricular activities/ and the benefits of student services for a limited period in the case of disciplinary violation.
- The academic probations (1st,2nd.3rd) based on the 1st passage of the article 20 in the Higher Education Council).
- Deprivation from the final exam, if the student attains 25% and more of the legal attendance percentage (based on the article 9 of the Higher Education Council).
- Penalty (paying the value of the damage).
- Temporary dismissal for one semester or more.
Final Dismissal (based on article 20 of the Higher Education Council).In the case of cheating in an exam, a special committee investigates this issue and takes the final decision: Giving F (Failed) in the course.
Warning letter.
Dismissal from the college for one semester or more.
Deprivation from acquiring the graduation certification/ degree if the College Council discovers any kind of cheating or fraud.
- Note: The College has the right to give sanctions, based on the concern, and the code of conduct clarifies in details the disciplinary rules of the sanctions for each violation