
Students Services

Students services provide support to students on a range of matters:

  • Following the delivery with of students Identification Card (ID).
  • Monitoring the cafeteria services/health conditions.
  • Supervising the copy center.
  • Request of Uniforms and lab coat.

Students Card

Following the delivery with of students ID:

  • ID identify the student as a part of MACHS Community.
  • All students of MACHS (wearing commitment).
  • Checking with IT Dept. if the ID cards is ready and delivered to all students.
  • Inform the students thats mandatory to receive the ID card and use it the whole time during the duty/ Monitor the wearing of ID Card with security staff.

Cafeteria Services

Monitoring the cafeteria services/health conditions to present the best food services to students and all MACHS staff.

The process of the choice cafeteria:

  • Caterings Searching.
  • Checking the kinds, the taste, and prices of the food/meals of some caterings the cafeteria services/health conditions.
  • Contract with a catering.
  • Daily visit to the cafeteria to evaluate the service at all, with the infirmary coordinator.
  • Report the supervisor of the catering, if the students have requests or complains.
  • Distribute evaluation surveys to the students.

Copy Center

Supervising the copy center to work flow control of the center based on the tasks requested. The process of the copy center:

  • Advising the employee to set a semester plan

  • Periodic and unexpected visits

  • Daily workflow control

  • Periodically meetings

  • Asking and receiving monthly report

  • coordination with finance department to monitor the improvement and the profits of the center

  • Advising the employee and the students to create new ideas in order to present best services in the center


The services of request of uniforms and lab coats:

  • Needs inventory searching and comparing different quotations and qualities

  • Taking the approval

  • Calling the marketing office of the uniforms' company and setting a meeting with their representative

  • Approved the samples, waiting the receiving date (based on the contract with company)/ refer the quantities of uniforms and lab coats to the store and the copy center to buy it to the students