Academic Advising - Responsibilities Of Advisors


Responsibilities of Advisors

The advisor’s role is an active one and the process of advising requires the following objectives to be met:

  • Help students define and develop realistic educational career plans
  • Meet with new advisees to assist them with initial adjustment to academic life.
  • Meet the advisees regularly to plan for the coming semester and to discuss any points of concern
  • Monitor students’ academic progress, discuss performance and future plans.
  • Support students in educational activities and major decisions
  • Maintain an up-to-date Advising Portfolio for each advisee, with a summary record of performance to date (grade reports, transcript, requirements completed, etc., and dates of conferences).
  • Refer students to other institutional professionals when academic, attitudinal, attendance, or other personal problems require intervention.
  • Demonstrate a concerned and caring attitude toward advisees.
  • Maintain confidentiality and provide a comfortable place for advisees to ask questions and express themselves.