Academic Advising - Regulations



For a student to register each semester,

  • He/she must have a registration form signed by the advisor, advisor the head of department and the student.
  • This form verifies that the student has met with his/her advisor and both have agreed on the students course load for that semester and that the semesters coursework fits in with the students plan of study.
  • The student registers online for the courses selected for the semester
  • Course registration should be completed within the period stipulated in the academic calendar (refer the academic calendar).

Student semester load

  • Advisor should assist her/his advisees to recognize the appropriate course load based on their individual circumstances.
  • Students should not be registered for a course that has a pre-requisite without taking the pre-requisite course.
  • For regular students -12 – 19 (18 ± 1) Cr.
  • If CGPA (Cumulative GPA) is between 2 and 2.5 -Maximum 15 Credits.
  • If CGPA is below 2 on Probation - 12 ± 1 Cr.
  • Graduating students with a cumulative GPA 4 and above can register for 3 – 5 Credits extra to the normal regular semester credit, but should not exceed a total of 23 credits–this needs approval from the head of department and the dean.
  • If an advisor could not register a student on probation for 12 Credits due to Pre /Co requisites, the student must retake a course that s/he already took and passed with a D or C grade. Thus, the minimum credit load in a semester for is 12 credits.

Cheating Without Concert Evidence

  • If a student is trying to communicate with a neighbouring student/ displays weird hand movements/ signals:
  • 5% will be deducted from the marks that the student scored on that paper out of 40in case of final exam or 20/10 if these are exams/quizzes.
  • If this behaviour is continued, exam paper will be taken and the student will be sent out. For such cases, first two warning letters will be given by the department head and Examination Centre and the student will be referred to the Grievances and Disciplinary Committee if it is repeated again.

Summer Course

  • For the summer course, students follow the same procedure for registration in any semester.
  • The highest course load or the number of credits that a student may register for during a summer semester should be (10) credits and not to exceed three courses.
  • During the summer semester students are allowed to withdraw from courses within the first three weeks from the beginning of the semester, provided that they get the approval of the Dean.

Add and Drop

  • If a student wishes to add or drop a course due to a Pre – requisite /Co- requisite, he/she has to fill the Add & Drop form, and then get an approval from the Advisor and the Head of department.
  • The completed and signed form should be submitted to the Registrar within the add & drop period (refer to the academic calendar) to get an approval.
  • After registration, two copies will be given by the registrar, one for the student and one to be kept in the advisees file .The credit load maintained after the add& drop is to be ≥ 12.

Withdrawal from a course

W - Withdrawal

  • A student who withdraws or forced to drop a course within the withdrawal period will receive a grade of W.
  • A student cannot withdraw if this results in a credit load of less than 12 credits without the approval of the College Council.

WP - Withdrawal Passing:

  • A student who withdraws after the withdrawal period is subject to the grade of WP, if the student was passing the course at the time of completion of the official paperwork to withdraw and will not affect the GPA.

WF - Withdrawal Failing:

  • A student who withdraws from one or more courses after the withdrawal deadline, may do so by reporting to the Registrar’s Office, but will be assigned a grade of WF for each course withdrawn from and will be calculated in the GPA since it will be reflected as F.

Semester Withdrawal

  • A student may apply to withdraw from the College for one semester.
  • The student must fill the Withdrawal Form from the Registrar’s Office.
  • Time of semester withdrawal should not exceed the deadline as given in the Academic calendar)
  • Withdrawal after the deadline will need approval of the College council.

Change of Major at Mohammad Al-Mana College of Medical Sciences (MACHS)

A student transferring from a Major to another within MACHS is allowed, as per the following transferring regulations:

  • Student shall submit a transferring request through the students registration system and in accordance with the academic calendar.
  • Change of major requires the approval of the heads of department, the dean and the College Council.
  • Transfer from one specialization to another at MACHS is allowed only once during the period of study at MACHS.
  • All courses or any equivalence passed successfully with a grade of C or above by the transferred student in his/her previous specialization shall be equated.
  • Student shall meet any other conditions determined by the College Council.

Transfer to Mohammad Al-Mana College of Medical Sciences (MACHS)

The student shall be allowed to transfer from other universities/colleges to MACHS in any semester according to the following policies:

  • Student shall submit a transferring request through the Students registration system and submit all the requirements within the dates set by registration department. Acceptance is determined by

1. Achievements and vacancies in the major requested.

2. The university that the student is transferring from shall be approved by Mohammed Al Mana College for Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Education

  • Student has not been dismissed from his/her previous university due to disciplinary reasons. However if the student dismissal due to disciplinary reasons discovered after being transferred, his/her transferred shall be considered cancelled from that date of transferring to the college.
  • Student was not a dropout from his/her previous university. However if the student is discovered to have been a drop out after being transferred, his/her transfer shall be cancelled.
  • Student shall meet all the preparatory year subjects. Transferring is not allowed for the preparatory year.
  • Student cumulative average- when submitting the transferring request- shall not be less than (2.75) out of (5).
  • Student shall meet any other conditions determined by the College Council.

Course Equivalence Requirements:

  • The credits of the courses that need to be equalized shall not be less than the credits in Mohammed Al Mana College for Medical Sciences.
  • More than one course shall be equalized
  • A course shall not be equalized with more than one course.
  • Students success in a course shall be proven by original grade statement certified by his/her previous college.
  • Course descriptions from the transferred college should be submitted.
  • Student was not dismissed from his/her previous institution due to disciplinary reasons.
  • Student was not dropout from his/her previous institution.
  • Student shall meet all the preparatory year subjects.
  • Student accumulated average- when submitting the transferring request- shall not be less than 3 out of 5.
  • The instructor of the core courses approves any credit transferred to fulfill a core course requirement.
  • Only courses with C & above grades will be given equivalence.
  • English language should be the medium of teaching for courses to be transferable.

Duration of Study in an Academic Program

Program & specializations offered by the college.

ProgramDuration of studyTraining /Internship
Foundation yearOne YearNone
Bachelor of Science in NursingFour Years inclusive of Foundation YearOne Year
Bachelor of Science in PharmacyFive Years inclusive of Foundation Year500 Hours
Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory SciencesFour Years inclusive of Foundation YearOne Year
Bachelor of Science in Physical TherapyFour Years inclusive of Foundation YearOne Year
Bachelor of Science in Respiratory CareFour Years inclusive of Foundation YearOne Year

Attendance and Absence Regulations

  • Attendance and/or participation in classroom, lab, and clinical learning experiences directly correlate with successful course completion and represent a basic professional behavior. Therefore, the students are responsible to engage in their own learning and professional comportment. Regular class attendance is mandatory.
  • A student should attend all lectures and practical courses, and he/she would not be allowed to attend the final examination, if the attendance is less than (75%). Special cases can be brought to the College Council for discussion.
  • The student who has not been allowed to attend the examinations due to the absence will be considered as fail in that course and the class work grade will be recorded and should be described as Denial (DN).
  • Two warning letters will be sent to the student for each course before he/she receives denial (DN) due to absence:
  • 10 % absence -1st warning letter
  • 15 % absence -2nd and last warning letter
  • 25 % absence- DN letter
  • In the case of illness or prolonged excused absence, the student must notify the responsible course coordinator within 5 days from the first date of absence. In the case of an approved excused absence, the course coordinator will make reasonable attempts to assist the student to satisfy requirements of the course (e.g., make up classes and exams).
  • Absent students are responsible for all class materials, content and assignments.

Assessment and Examination

DN Policy

  • The DN student lists should be sent to the registrar’s office by the course coordinators/instructors through the department advising coordinators and the head of department. The department advising coordinators will get the finalized list of DN students from the Registrars office and they will share it with the exam committee before the reading period. These students will be denied entry to the exam halls and the grade of “DN” should be reported. However, the head of department /Vice Dean will take decision about such cases in the College Council meeting.

IC Policy

  • In case the excuse was accepted by the concerned Head of Department and the Vice Dean, the student shall be received incomplete (IC) in his/her academic record for that semester and allowed to sit for a make-up exam during a period not exceeding the end of the next semester, where he/she is given the mark they get in the exam.
  • If the student failed to sit for a make-up exam, he/she shall be considered failed and shall receive the mark (F).

Deans Honor

  • The Deans Honor is awarded at the end of each semester for students with high scholastic achievement. Students who attain a cumulative grade point average of 4.50 or better in no fewer than 15 credits and who have completed all work for which they are registered by the end of the semester will be on the Dean’s Honor distinction list for that semester.
  • All advisors will submit the names of their advisees who have met this requirement to the registrar. Advisors will prepare the Dean’s Honor Certificates signed by all concerned and gives it to her/his advisee

Student on Semester Probation

  • If, in any semester, a students cumulative GPA is less than 2 out of 5 excluding the summer semester, the student will be placed on probation. If a student is placed on probation for two consecutive semesters, she/he should be referred to the socio-psychological counselor.
  • A probation letter will be sent to the student signed by the Vice Dean, HOD, and his/her advisor as well. This letter should be given to the student within the first two weeks of the next semester.
  • A student on probation should not be registered for more than 12 credits in a semester. However, if the course load is less than 12 credits in a semester, and no new courses could be offered, to get the required credit, the student is to be advised to repeat the course which she/ he has passed with D or D+ .

Student off Probation

  • The status of academic probation can be revoked after the lapse of one semester from the date of the probation if the student achieves a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above at the end of this semester.

Academic Dismissal

A Student shall be dismissed from the college in the following cases:

  • Getting three consecutive academic probation for cumulative GPA below 2 out of 5
  • A student may also be dismissed if he/she does not complete the requirements for graduation during the maximum (50% of the program length) period for graduation and the period of the program.

Postponing the Study

Students may postpone their study periods at the College provided that:

  • Students should submit a request for postponing their study accepted by the College Council.
  • The maximum postponed periods shall not exceed two consecutive semesters or three non-consecutive semesters.
  • The postponement period shall not be included in the maximum study period.
  • Postponing the study if semester system is used shall be available till the end of second week of the semester.
  • The students guardian shall be informed when accepting discontinuity to study or postponement to study or withdrawal from the College through the student record system.
  • The students request for discontinuity or postponement to study Preparatory Year shall be according to the systems and regulations of the Preparatory Year.


  • A student who has dropped out of the college may be reinstated if he/she submits a request for reinstatement within four semesters from the date of the dropout and before the beginning of the final exams of the semester prior to reinstatement. The College Council also has to approve the application for reinstatement.


  • Upon completion of all program requirements for graduation, a student shall be graduated provided that his/her cumulative GPA is 2.5 or above.
  • Students who fail to attain the required cumulative GPA for graduation may register to repeat courses passed with a D or C grade to raise the GPA to 2.5 or above.
  • The maximum number of years a student is allowed to remain in a program is an additional half of the time for the program.
  • The College Council may give an exception to a student to fulfill the graduation requirement in a maximum period not exceeding double the regular period fixed for graduation.
  • If after the extension of the time, the student still didn't meet the graduation requirement, he/she will be dismissed.