
The Initial Placement Test Procedures

  • The test date and time will be announced through the Registrar Office.
  • The Registrar Office shall inform the students about the required documents to bring on the day of test.
  • All the students will be given a 10-minute orientation on the structure of the test before the test starts.
  • Students must sign in and out on the attendance sheet.
  • Exam unit coordinator will distribute the exam papers to the proctors in the exam hall.
  • Students must complete the exam within the given time. No extra time will be allowed.
  • Examination unit coordinator counts the answer sheets at the end of the test to correspond with the number of students who took the test.
  • Examination unit coordinator collects and submits the answer sheets to the head of FYD who will be then sharing the results with the Registrar Office.
  • Results will be published using students’ national ID on FYD bulletin board
  • Registrar Office sends the results to the FYD Academic Advising Committee to divide the students into sections according to their levels.