Grade Policy


Grade Distribution

Out of 100 marks, 40% marks should be reserved for the final examination and 60 % can be distributed over other semester activities like quizzes/exams/orals/practicals, etc.

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Grades Interpretation

College Central Examination Committee with department examination committees shall be responsible for all the academic matters related to all written examinations as the following:

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The student attainted grades in each course should be counted as follows:

Symbol(Arabic)Symbol(English)Mark LimitsPoints(out of 5)Grades(Arabic)Grades(English)
أ+A+95-1005ممتاز مرتفعExceptional
ب+B+85-89.994.5جيد جدا مرتفعSuperior
بB80-84.994جيد جداVery Good
ج+C+75-79.993.5جيد مرتفعAbove Good
د+D+65-69.992.5مقبول مرتفعHigh Pass
ھFLess than 601راسبFail
مIP--مستمرIn Progress
ندNP60 or more-ناجح دون درجةNo grade pass
هدNFLess than 60-راسب دون درجةNo grade fail

IC Policy

In case the excuse was accepted by the concerned Head of Department and the Vice Dean, the student shall be received incomplete (IC) in his/her academic record for that semester and allowed to sit for a make-up exam during a period not exceeding the end of the next semester, where he/she is given the mark they get in the exam. If the student failed to sit for a make-up exam, he/she shall be considered failed and shall receive the mark (F).

DN Policy

The DN student lists should be sent to the registrar's office by the course coordinators/instructors through the department advising coordinators and HOD. The department advising coordinators will get the finalized list of DN students from the Registrars' office and they will share it with the exam committee before the reading period. These students will be denied entry to the exam halls and the grade of DN should be reported. However, the HOD/Vice Dean/ Dean will make a decision about such cases in the college council meeting.