


  • Must read LMS faculty guidebook and supporting LMS videos and attend any training workshop.

  • Create their virtual courses in LMS using their MACHS emails, send the course self- enrollment link to their students, inform students of grading procedures, exam or assignments formats, and uploaded course materials.

  • Add the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs (VDAA), Head of the Department (HOD), and Course coordinators as observers in all their virtual courses.

  • Record lectures and upload them with course materials.

  • Record student’s attendance.

  • Create online exams and assignment that comply with the Examination Unit regulations and guidelines.

  • For LMS issues, faculty should contact the LMS support team.

  • For email issues, faculty should contact the IT support team.


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24/8/20212021/2022Fall 2021How to use Google class room StudentFaculty1
30/8/20212021/2022Fall 2021Building quizzesFaculty1
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22/9/20212021/2022Fall 2021Testportal ExamsFaculty1


Classroom Google Instructor Guide 1.0.pdf

Google classroom instructor tutorial

Google meet instructor tutorial

Quizzes Assignments and grades

Steps to Save Attendance from Google to SMAX.pdf