Academic Info



IP – progress Grade

  • A grade temporarily assigned to a course that its study nature required more than one semester to be fulfilled. This grade is coded as (IP) in the academic record.

IC - Complete Grade

  • A grade temporarily assigned to a course requirement that a student was unable to fulfill in the specified time. This grade is coded as (IC) in the academic record.

Grading System and Code

Symbol(Arabic)Symbol(English)Mark LimitsPoints(out of 5)Points(out of 4)Grades(Arabic)Grades(English)
أ+A+95-10054ممتاز مرتفعExceptional
ب+B+85-89.994.53.5جيد جدا مرتفعSuperior
بB80-84.9943جيد جداVery Good
ج+c+75-79.993.52.5جيد مرتفعجيد مرتفع
د+D+65-69.992.51.5مقبول مرتفعHigh Pass
ھFLess than 6010راسبFail
مIP---مستمرIn Progress
لIC---غير مكتملIncomplete
ندNP60 or more--ناجح دون درجةNo grade pass
هدNFLess than 60--راسب دون درجةNo grade fail

General Grade (GPA) for the Cumulative Average during Student Graduation

Cumulative Average Points (out of 5)GradeCumulative Average Points (out of 4)Grade
4.5 - 5.00Excellent3.50 - 4.00Excellent
3.75 - 4.49Very Good2.75 - 3.49Very Good
2.75 - 3.74Good1.75 - 2.74Good
2.00 - 2.74Pass1.00 - 1.74Pass

Awarding Honors Degree

At graduation, the First Degree Honors is granted to the student achieving an accumulated average of 4.75 or more out of 5 or 3.75 or more out of 4.Getting the First Degree Honors is stipulated with the following:

  • The Student should not fail any course studied in this college or another university.

  • The Student shall complete the graduation requirements in an average period in a maximum between the minimum and the maximum periods to stay in the College.

  • The Student shall Studying in the College for graduation not less than (60%) of the graduation requirements.

  • Students who never received disciplinary action.