Psychosocial Counseling - General Strategy
General Strategy
- Psychosocial Counseling Unit was established in the second semester of the academic year 2012-2013. This stage is considered the foundation stage, on which the internal organizational structure was built.
- The unit has identified the near-and long-term plans, based on the needs of students, and their specializations. It has undertaken the burden of providing a specialized and unique quality service which aims at developing students’ personalities, directing them to become good citizens as well as promoting their home land.
- Intensifying efforts are exerted to sharpen energies, invest them as well overcome obstacles, raise the level of self-esteem, and develop life skills and abilities of students.
- The unit also enhances participation in the institutions of society, in a manner consistent with the mission of the College, which urges the elevation of students’ abilities, knowledge skills, and creativity in order to become productive members in the society in general, and the medical sector in particular.
- Psychosocial counseling unit also monitors the academic achievement levels of students, analyzes the results, and identifies programs which suit the statistical analysis, comprehensive questionnaires and surveys.
Warning System (Probation)
- The weak students are given first warning, when their GPA goes below 2, and consequently the number of credit hours for the following semester, is reduced while adding an enhancing program to monitor the student’s academic performance under the supervision of the center.
- The student is given another chance in case his/her performance improves and cumulative average goes to above 2 in the following semester thus the warning is removed.
- In case the student does not respond, and his performance continues to deteriorate he gets second warning and the number of credit hours for the following semester is reduced while adding an enhancing program to monitor his performance under the supervision of the center. The third warning is considered as dismissal for the student from college as he/she student has exhausted all opportunities presented to it.
Complaints Policies & Procedures
- Student affairs department received the complaints from different origins (students gathering, Counseling sessions, the official page of MACHS on social media) and worked to solve it with the related departments.
- Actually, clear criteria to deal with complaints according to their nature (complaint format, complaint box, written complain) were established.
- Establish record complaints (Attached).
- Attach the box of complaints in a common area.
- If the complaint concerns the academic majors, the student will go first to the instructor, then the academic advisor. If he’s not satisfied, he can complain to the Head of Department, if there is no response, the student may present the complaint to student affairs to give the feedback after complain discussion with the dean.
- If your complaints concern a doubt in your grades or results in any course, a committee from the department headed by the dean will established to check the problem & take a decision.
- If the complaint concern issues related to the scholarship, the student will go to the financial aid or sending an e-mail:
- If the complaint concern registration problem … The student will go to the registrar office or sending an e-mail:
- Attach If there is problem Or error in the SIS using or ID send an e-mail: If there is no response from mentioned departments, you can present a complaint to the student affairs department who will investigate and collect the evidences then present to the Administration (Dean).
- Not all complains can be solved, especially if is related to a clear and approved policy in the departments and the college’s bylaws.
- Inform the students about the complaints criteria, for example (The complaint should be written, present it in the same time of the problem-without delay- , record the Clear name or ID at least).
- The deadline to present the complaint depends on the nature of the problem.
- One to two weeks maximum if the problem can be solved directly with the concerned person.
- If solving the problem is urgent and needs to be presented to the College Council, the Council will meet to discuss it based on the dean’s invitation.
- Student affairs works to support the students if they have a right & ensures the privacy and the avoidance of negative reaction from complaints and tries to find a solution as soon as possible.